Make Your Silk Press Last Longer
So how do you make your silk press last? Here are a few tips to help your silk press remain merry and bright.
it all starts with the trim
This is a little known, but valid secret to maintaining a silk press. Eliminative split ends will keep your hair looking silky.
go straight first
Waiting to curl you hair after you get a silk press can help it last longer.
Keep Moisture to a Minimum
This may be a no-brainer, but try your best to stay clear of moisture like rain and in the shower. That could mean taking a shorter shower, and wrapping your hair and covering it if it’s raining out.
Go Light on Product
Follow the directions when it comes to adding product to your silk pressed hair. That means using a dime size or less of oils and other products.
Wrap Your Hair
To keep your straight hair much longer, wrap it. Not just at bedtime, but anytime you lay down, take a shower, or hitting the gym.